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Showing posts from November, 2018

Deck the halls with books

Chapter 2018 ends with a bang Our seasonal customers are what keep some booksellers going. So identify the sure wins beforehand and hone your sales efforts pre-emptively so as to maximise the holiday rewards.  Arguably the entire year leads to this moment. Let’s examine some of the highlights that may affect Santa’s supply. What packs our shelves Various occasions throughout the year mould the contours of bookshelves. Trends are as unpredictable as they are fluctuating meaning it’s tricky to align your vision with the customer’s needs, wants and expectations; survey the landscape, starting with the calendar in retrospect. Cape Town’s Open Book 2018 that was held in September was a literary celebration. Highpoints include #cocreatePoetica and of course the illustration masterclass while RAP, poetry and the spoken word are still platforms for young people to voice concerns and solutions to mutual challenges epitomising the younger generation’s desire for access...