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Showing posts from January, 2019

The An(tea)dote

While we are enjoying warmer weather here in the Southern Hemisphere, it turns out that January is #HotTeaMonth. But the heat doesn’t put us off this scrumptious brew – on the contrary, South Africans will brew it cold if we have to! In fact, some of us prefer an iced tea drink no matter the weather: refreshment at its purest, barring water. Anyway, thus began our inves-tea-gation which is when we discovered that tea actually holds the key to a healthier lifestyle. And of course, sharing knowledge is what we do best… so please enjoy some of our findings below.  Figure 1: "red liquid with ice and plant" by Jennifer Pallian on Unsplash Let's start with the heart Recent studies have shown that coffee might not be as problematic as experts once thought. Nevertheless, research on tea and heart health is growing and some studies have found that there can be as much as a 20 percent reduction in heart attack risk among people who drink up to three cups of regular gree...