"In 2018, about 700 rhinos were poached in South Africa. Down from an average of 1 250 in 2017 and 2016 it sounds like good news. However, by legalising rhino horn trade, the number could be zero, which would really be good news, writes businessman, game rancher and rhino owner, Dr Peter Oberem." Afgriland magazine recently published this fascinating article by one of Briza Publications' authors ( The New Game Rancher ), the esteemed Dr Peter Oberem. "Seven hundred rhino murdered in one year can never be good news. Why must we accept the deaths of almost two rhino a day in South Africa alone when there is an answer? To my mind, and the minds of hundreds of conservationists and game ranchers, the solution is legalising rhino horn trade." Dr Oberem explains further: "This step will restore the value of live rhino, and give honest users of rhino horn access to legal and sustainable products. As a result, humans and the natural environment...
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