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Shem Compion’s top five reasons to pursue nature photography

Beginner, amateur, professional or aspiring: if these simply flawless reasons, by Shem Compion, to give nature photography a try don’t inspire and convince you, well read them again! 

1.  It’s an ever-changing subject

Nature photography never gets boring. Whether you are interested in wildlife or landscape photography, there is always a new angle, new perspective and new light that changes the end result.

What makes this brand of beauty even more special is that it is from your point of view, your own lens, and it was captured because you deemed it worthy. Plus you put the effort into eternalising the scene. As Compion reiterates further down, you don’t even have to go as far out as you think you do; just open your eyes. There’s always something new.

Image source: Unsplash online

2. You can be at one with nature

There’s no better excuse for getting outside than feeding your thirst for nature, via photography.

With a half-decent camera or phone and a little bit of drive, you can have it all – everything the light touches, Simba. Nature photography is both a way to get you out there more regularly, as well as a means to carry that beauty with you even after you’ve left the bush.

Image source: Unsplash online

3. It can be easily accessible if only you open your mind

Nature is everywhere; you don’t need to look far to find a beautiful scene.  I have taken some of my best images within the areas that I live. In Africa we have so much open space which allows us scope to photograph literally anywhere and get great results.

Venturing into the wild is an opportunity not all of us are afforded – or at least not always as often as we would like. It strikes one as wholly unfair that experiencing the natural environment can be hampered by various factors. Well, that’s just incentive to get more creative!   

4. It’s relaxing

Nature photography is extremely therapeutic if you can reap enjoyment from it. If you have had a stressful week, heading out to be alone with your camera and the natural world can be a great way to wind down and forget any troubles.

Many city-dwellers will attest to the fact that their gardens, should they be lucky enough to have a square metre or two, keep them sane within what is perceived as busy, smoggy suburbia. For some, gardens and pets serve as their little piece of the greater outdoors, as do wonderful representations in the form of media such as books, television and the Internet. The great news is that your bubble can serve as your studio because in actual fact nature pervades every corner of the world.

5. You can help raise the profile of the environment

Nature photography helps to raise the profile of our planet and the environment. It allows people to experience things they may not see themselves, and therefore encourages them to care about its preservation. You can, in a small way, help to raise awareness of the natural world and work to promote its conservation.

As you experience, you learn, and as you learn, you want to learn more! Delight in Compion’s beautiful work by paging through the gorgeous Nature Unpacked – a Briza original – where facts and photos outdo fantasy. And clean your lens. 


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